Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie

Autumn is upon us!! I must admit that summer is, in actuality, my very favorite season of the year, but there are many things that I love about the fall. First I love warm socks, full length yoga pants, jeans, boots, foliage, crisp cool mornings and pumpkin flavored everything!! It seems like in the past couple of years, the pumpkin craze has reached maximum proportions. As a vegan, there are still very few options for pumpkin indulgences when venturing out to the local cafe or the store. This is actually good for me. If I was able to eat all of those pumpkin goodies, I would have a very difficult time fitting into the skinny jeans and yoga pants that I so look forward to at this time of year. I will occasionally make pumpkin muffins, cookies, pancakes, and the like, but especially during these early days of autumn, there is nothing like a delicious, nutritious and completing satisfying, Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie.
Pumpkin, which is utilized in this recipe, has many extraordinary health benefits. They are a nutrient dense food, high in beta-carotene and vitamin A, which is great for eye health, and also giving the body antioxidants to protect the skin; our largest organ. Pumpkins are also full of potassium, which helps to refuel the body after workouts. This recipe will also give a double dose of potassium, as it also contains banana… the original superfood! In addition to pumpkin and banana, I have included some blackstrap molasses in this smoothie. Blackstrap molasses contains many vital vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Many uninformed vegan diets lack these vitamins, and they are so heavily condensed in the molasses, that our bodies and minds can really reap the benefits.
I know that the pumpkin-crazed autumn can be a tempting time for plant-based folk to veer off of our path, but I am hoping that this Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie will keep you on track, and welcoming autumn!
2 C non-dairy milk
1 C diced banana (I freeze my bananas ahead of time)
1/2 C pumpkin puree
2 ice cubes (I use coconut water ice cubes)
3 medjool dates
1 TBS blackstrap molasses
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger powder
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
Place all of the above ingredients into a blender in the order they are listed above. Blend until smooth. ENJOY!! Serves 2
- Feb, 16, 2017
- Author: shantipath
- Categories: Uncategorized
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